A Matter of Balance
Before taking this program many participants have a fear of falling and no sense of direction on where to start to prevent them. A Matter of Balance is PROVEN to help people manage their concerns about falls.
The higher your age, the more susceptible you are to falling, but building strength, balance, and mental function can keep nasty slips from happening!
Throughout this program, you will:
Learn to view falls as something you can control
Learn to exercise to increase your balance and strength
Make changes at home to reduce your risk of falling
Set goals for increased physical activity

The class’s design introduces easy-to-follow Zumba choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion, and coordination. Whether you have some reservations or are unsure of joining our next event, we guarantee you’ll leave feeling empowered and strong.
Come on out. Meet new and old friends in recreational classes that help increase your physical activity. And, most importantly, reduce your fears and potential of falling.